Josh B. of Pittsgrove arrowed this seven point buck on the evening of November 24th and recovered the deer on Thanksgiving morning November 25th. We were able to take pictures of his deer as he checked it in at The Buck Stop Butcher Shop.
My neighbor Jessie arrowed this 175 pound technical 5 pointer (was a seven before loosing both brow tines) with his crossbow using 100 grain Shwacker Broadheads at 22 yds. this morning November 24th 2010. The buck came into the bait and fed for 30 minutes before he presented the shot opportunity. This deer ran for 40 yards before it fell.
The rack on this buck measured 20 inches greatest spread(outside).
Here is a trailcam pic taken from another hunters camera that hunts in the same vicinity. The photo was taken two weeks ago . The body size matches as well as tine length, the brows are missing. Also the tines are switched in this picture with three on the left instead of the right. This could be caused by a parallax or it could be two different deer all together.
As the story goes Andrew awoke to a foggy morning and just knew it would be a good outing on account of his past successes in foggy weather. He had watched 2 does browsing the bait for about 20 minutes. Just as the two does left the pile this buck cruised in and got stuck with a bolt and thats all she wrote.
Prior to this encounter, this particular buck was never seen in the woods on on trail camera pictures.
It is plainly visible that this buck has a broken right G2 but we are maintaining to refer to it as ten pointer as nature intended.
While hunting a field edge on the evening of Friday November 12th, Todd arrowed this 8 pointer with a 60 yd shot from his compound bow. This buck was hot on a does trail and was making a bee line in the opposite direction of his stand. Todd grunted and the buck made a slight turn giving him an opportunity for the shot. The arrow just missed the spine going through the left side of the deer as he was quartering to and completely shattered the bucks back right leg.
As you may see this bucks left antler is noticeably larger than his right with five points on his left antler and three points on the right antler. He had an overall spread of 17 inches and field dressed in at 156 lbs.