I decided to combine both shotgun and muzzle loader this year on account that only one of us got a muzzle loader buck and it was during the early black powder season.
This is Ryan's early muzzle loader buck. He killed this deer over sweet potatoes on the first evening of the early season. Earlier that day his gun had misfired and missed this same deer.
Three days later, Ryan went out with the bow and filled another buck tag. He killed this spike in the Willaimstown area on December 4th.
So Ryan had 2 deer hanging before we even started off buck week.
On Monday of deer season (Buck Week) I shot this five pointer at 7:20 am right out back of my house. My wife had just recently completed her education in nursing and jokingly I said along as she was working by deer season I would be happy. Wouldn't you know, she started her lob on the first day of shotgun week. As a result i had to be out of the stand by 7:30 to get the kids on the bus. I shot this deer at 7:20. Just in time.
That evening Mike Bess killed this six pointer behind the factory at 3:15 pm. He said the shot was 80 yds.
The first two days of deer camp were cold. In the 20's. On the meeting Sunday night, Cousin Nicky (Meat Wagon), got wasted and ended up sleeping by the woodstove out in the shack.
On the third day, Wednesday, it started raining lightly. It rained for the rest of the week. We hunted in the rain. We got deer up at Harrisonville, but they were all does. We got deer up at Holly Hills Golf Course but they didn't break toward the standers, so we never found out what they were.
Jules killed this nice ten pointer from a stand Wednesday evening. He was sitting in the tree when the deer walked in at around 65yds. The buck was moving through the area at a constant pace and Jules shot him while he was on the move. He said it was under thirty seconds from when the deer came into view to the shot. He dropped him in his tracks.
On Thursday, it poured. Despite the rain, we ended up getting a nice 7 pointer shot by my buddy Dave.
This deer weighed in at 112 lbs. I thought it was bigger initially, but the scale doesn't lie.
That was it for our club. Two deer hanging by the end of the week.
But check out this deer killed by my cousins buddy in Virginia
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