Dec 12, 2005

Shotgun Season 05

I don't exactly remember what it was that went wrong with the 2005 deer hunt in NJ. All that i do remember is that I don't have many pictures of deer with that year on them.

It might have had something to do with shooting 4 good sized deer out of our primary hunting grounds the year earlier.

I did get my deer that year. I had to go to Missouri to get it, and it wasn't much to write home about.

Missouri hunting season is for 10 days in November. It is a rifle season, allowing only shotguns with the use of slugs.

That is what i shot this deer with....20 gauge slugs. I shot him on the last day of trip, after not seeing any deer the whole week.

I shot him from this bluff.

The details of the rest of the 05 season are fuzzy.

One deer was killed in our piece. A five pointer was Shot by my dads buddy Elmer.

My buddy Bobby Atkinson did end up killing a nice 9 pointer in his peice that year.

This was the biggest deer we got that year. We found it freshly killed on buck Rd.

That pretty much wrapped up the 05 season. Deer were killed, just not by us.